tisdag 22 maj 2007

A front-row seat for this Lebanese tragedy

Läs Robert Fisk om Nahr el-Bared, publicerad i dagens The Independent:

"We are back at another of those tragic Lebanese stage shows: the siege of Palestinians.

Only this time, of course, we have Sunni Muslim fighters in the camp, in many cases shooting at Sunni Muslim soldiers who are standing in a Sunni Muslim village. It was a Lebanese colleague who seemed to put his finger on it all. "Syria is showing that Lebanon doesn't have to be Christians versus Muslims or Shia versus Sunnis," he said. "It can be Sunnis versus Sunnis. And the Lebanese army can't storm into Nahr el-Bared. That would be a step far greater than this government can take."

(Fotot är från en utställning som barn från Nahr el-Bared satte upp 1999).

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