söndag 22 april 2007

Det är inte konstigt, att det blir konstigt

Adbusters underbygger sin TV Turnoff Week 2007 med bland annat följande information:

  • The average person in the USA watches 4 hours and 35 minutes of television per day, and the average US household has a television on in the house for 8 hours per day [Nielson, 2006].

  • In 2005, the average US child spent more time in front of the television (more than 1,500 hours) than in school (900 hours) [Neilson, 2005].

  • Canadian tweens – kids ages 7 to 12 – average 45% of their media time watching TV, 14% on the internet, 12% on video games, 11% on music, 11% on radio, 6% on DVDs and 1% on cell phones. By comparison, teens (ages 12 to 19) spend 25% of their media time on the Internet. [Solutions Research Group for YTV, 2007].

SCB redovisar den svenska statistiken här. Där framgår bland annat att var tredje 10–18-åring tittar på TV tre timmar eller mer en vanlig vardag.

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